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How To Grow Lavender In Your Own Garden! – Gardening DIY Guide HandyGuyPros

Lavender is a well-beloved plant that can be as healthy as its beauty and fragrance. If you are enchanted by the lavender fields in France and want a similar corner in your home or garden, here is how you can go about it! Read this guide on how to grow lavender for the many options to earn a patch of prettiness.

How To Pick The Time & Spot To Plant Lavender

Even though lavender is quite easygoing and simple to grow, you will still have to select the right environment for your new babies. Here are the specifications you need:

  • Light: Lavenders will need a lot of sunlight, even if you are trying to dodge that with a “how to grow lavender indoors” guide. You can get away with some afternoon shade, but letting the sprouts bathe in full sunlight glory is best for them!

  • Soil: Lavender thrives best in alkaline to neutral soil (around 7.0 pH). If you have acidic soil, drizzle a bit of lime/lemon juice into the pot, and you will get the perfect grounds.

  • Spacing: In case you plant several sprouts in one pot, you will need to keep them 1-3 feet away from each other.

Timing: This depends on where you live. If your climate is slightly colder, you might want to plant lavenders in spring or at the beginning of summer. Other than that, towards the end of summer or the beginning of fall is the most optimal.

How To Grow Lavender In Your Garden

After you have prepared the external factors for your lavenders to grow, you will need to pick your starting point. There are currently three options, with their own quirks and levels of difficulty so you can test out your green thumb!

Without further ado, here is a guide on how to grow lavender from seed, starter plants, and cuttings.

Option 1: Grow Lavender From Seeds

So far, professionals have regarded that planting lavenders from seeds is the hardest method. In order not to go back to a “how to grow lavender seeds” article every few seconds on your phone, here is what you should do:

  • Pick the right timing: February to July is your best bet right now.

  • Pick the right planting method: Plant your seeds on damp compost so they can be welcomed into the world with plenty of nutrients. Be sure to cover the seeds with the same compost as well.

How To Grow Lavender

  • Get the seeds at the right temperature: The seed tray should meet a temperature of 21-25°C to properly germinate. You can also put the tray into a polythene bag until the seeds start to sprout. The entire process should take around 21-25 days, so you will only have to check in on them every once in a while within that period.

After the seeds have sprouted, you can safely move them to other containers. The steps on how to grow lavender in a pot are just as straightforward as planting them directly on garden soil, so you will not have to worry too much.

Option 2: Grow Lavender From Starter Plants

If you do not want to wait a month to see your sprouts, perhaps you might want to try growing your lavender from starter plants. You can get these at a garden nursery. These are the instructions on how to do so:

  • Prepare your planting holes: Measure the starter plants’ roots. Double those numbers to get the width and depth of the planting holes you need to dig. Be sure to water the soil and remove any air pocket.

How To Grow Lavender

  • Remove the starter plants from their pots: The starter plants you get should already have their own root system so you will not have to worry about triggering them in water first. If the roots attach themselves to the side of your pot, gently tap them out, and they will come right off.

  • Plant the starters into the holes: Keep an eye on the plants for the first few weeks for any sign of abnormality.

Option 3: Grow Lavender From Branches

Branches from mature plants are the most effective out of this list on how to grow lavender plants. The instructions on how to grow lavender from cuttings are very simple and straightforward: All you have to do is take a softwood cutting at the beginning of the year and place it on the ground. You may also add some mulch or gravel to prevent weeds.

How To Grow Lavender

Before we close on how to grow lavender cuttings, make sure that the lavenders are a few feet apart from one another,, and you should be just fine.

How To Care For Lavender

Before you run off to buy your seeds or snip off a piece of softwood to plant your lavenders, take note of these tips:

  • Lavenders love soil that drains well and a spot in the sun. Because of this, many people have trusted them to be a low hedge that does not require much trimming. A good lavender hedge should bring a lot of pollinating insects to your patch of nature!

How To Grow Lavender

  • Lavenders are prone to rotting, so even though they are fond of damp soil, they cannot stand wet grounds. Using soil-based compost will prevent moisture from culminating around the plants and let them grow more healthily.

  • Lavenders love regular baths while they are in their first growing seasons. After the plants are fully grown, they will be able to withstand droughts more easily!


Lavenders are not difficult plants to include in your garden, so you will not have to worry about them as much as other plants. Aside from knowing how to grow lavender, you should learn about what comes afterward and prevent pests from getting near your baby sprouts. Soon, you will be rewarded with adorable and fragrant flowers! Thank you for reading!

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